Don't grow spiritually cold in the Summer heat!Join us on Tuesday July 13@ 11:30AM - 1PM for a great time of Summer fellowship in the Lord!
Where: Student Lounge at LaGuardia College
If student lounge is closed off, fellowship will be held in the Cafeteria
Last week we contunue our study on missions. We read and discussed the life of Hudson Taylor, a missoanry to China. We learned it takes a love for the Lord Jesus, dedicated, resoulte attitude, and a burden for the lost.
After Our fellowship we picked up our bibles, grapped our tracts and went about sharing the glorious gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ. The Lord allowed us to speak to three young men, two were muslims, and one atheist. The Lord was truly working on their hearts, as the God's law brought the knowldge of sin to these young men.
The day ended with a wonderful conversation the Lord had given sister Jasmine. A young lady, raised in Christianity like many, but so evidence of true conversion, yet the Lord on that day, out of his mercy, purpose that Jasmine should speak with her. The young lady was deeply convitcted not just by the law, but by the life of Jasmine. Jesus say's "Let your light so shine before men, that they may see your good works, and glorify your Father which is in heaven" Matthew 5:16 After their conversation the Lord allowed us to pray with her.
Join us this Tuesday as we look into the life and ministry of David Brainerd