Tuesday, October 26, 2010

CCN Fall 2010
Are you ready to make the Change?


And the Word became flesh and dwelt among us, and we have seen his glory, 
glory as of the only Son from the Father, full of grace and truth.
John 1:14

We had a blessed time last week at CCN Fellowship. We began our study of our Lord and Savior, Christ Jesus, and learn why it was nessarry for Jesus to become a man just like us. This week we will complete our study of the humanity of christ and begin our study on the divinity of Christ. Moreover, we were blessed by more believers and pray the will continue to come and fellowship with us.

Fter our fellowship we grabed our tracts and hit the streets of Queens, passing out tracts and engaging students in one to one. The Lord blessed our sister Jasmine with a witnessing encounter with a man who was impacted by postmodernism. The conversation lasted over an hour. We pray for this man, and all those whom recieved the gospel!

Revival! Persecution!
Are you ready?  

Fellowship Times

Prayer * Worship * Word * Evangelism & Apologetics Training * Fellowship

Join us as we come together to celebrate our Lord Jesus Christ through group worship, learning foundational theology through Bible study, studying Christian apologetics (defense of the faith) through exploring/comparing/contrasting other religions/worldviews. Outreaches are held after every fellowship!

Thursday's @ 4:00PM -6:00pm 
Location: Student Lounge 
Contact: Nick @ bxnick22@yahoo.com
Note: If student lounge is closed off, fellowship will be held in the Cafeteria in the M Building

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

CCN Fall 2010
Are you ready to make the Change?

And the Word became flesh and dwelt among us, and we have seen his glory, 
glory as of the only Son from the Father, full of grace and truth.
John 1:14

Last week was cold and wet, but the gospel still went forth. We were able to hand out tracts to students under the 7 train. We were blessed to meet another believer who used to be an Atheist. God Saves to the uttermost!! 

JOIN US! This Thursday 21th at 4 @ in the student Lounge across from the pool in the E building, as we learn about our Lord and Savior Christ. See you there! Bring a Friend!

Revival! Persecution!
Are you ready?  

Fellowship Times

Prayer * Worship * Word * Evangelism & Apologetics Training * Fellowship

Join us as we come together to celebrate our Lord Jesus Christ through group worship, learning foundational theology through Bible study, studying Christian apologetics (defense of the faith) through exploring/comparing/contrasting other religions/worldviews. Outreaches are held after every fellowship!

Thursday's @ 4:00PM -6:00pm 
Location: Student Lounge 
Contact: Nick @ bxnick22@yahoo.com
Note: If student lounge is closed off, fellowship will be held in the Cafeteria in the M Building

Monday, October 11, 2010

CCN Fall 2010
Are you ready to make the Change?

"preach the word; be ready in season and out of season;reprove, rebuke, and exhort, with complete patience and teaching. For the time is coming when people will not endure sound teaching, but having itching ears they will accumulate for themselves teachers to suit their own passions, and will turn away from listening to the truth and wander off into myths. As for you, always be sober-minded, endure suffering, do the work of an evangelist, fulfill your ministry.
2 Timothy 4:2-5

Revival! Persection! Are you reasy? Last week we study through 3Timothy 3, and we discuss what will hapen in the last days. Accourding scripture, sin will increase, as will false teachers, but also the gospel will be proclaimed throughtout the world. Do you know, that in the last few years alone,  open air preaching has increase? Are you ready for the Lords revival? After our fellowship we began to share the gospel with students, and pass out tracts, until we were stopped by an officer, saying we were not allowed to pass out tracts inside the campus..BUT we still were able to pass out tracts right outside the building, where tons of students were coming to anf fro! 

This Thursday, if the Lord wills, we will be Open- Air preaching right outside the college building, biding people young and old to Repent and trust in the savior!

Join us this Thursday ! From 4-6pm at the student Lounge, located in the E building, across from the pool , as we study Postmoderism! BRING A FRIEND!

Tuesday, October 5, 2010


CCN Fall 2010
Are you ready to make the Change?

Jasmine sharing the gospel with a group of Students outside in the Quad. They were really open to the gospel, and were moved by Jasmine's testimony of how the Lord saved her!

In a race an athete runs in such a way that he wins the goal. As Christians, we are in a race, and our main aim is to win a crown that is imperishable. But to run the race, one must be totally focus, displinning hiself, by throwing off anything from sin, to things that hinder us from crossing the finishing line. In order for this to happen, a Christian must displine his body, kill sin in his life, be accountable to others, and his eyes must be ever fixed on Jesus! This is all we learned from last weeks study of 2 Timothy2.

JOIN US!! This Thursday, Oct 7th at 4pm in the Student lounge across the pool in the E building, as we study 2 Timothy 3. Bring a friend! 

“But understand this, that in the last days there will
 come times of difficulty.” 
2 Timothy 3:1

Revial! Persecution!
Are you ready?  

Fellowship Times

Prayer * Worship * Word * Evangelism & Apologetics Training * Fellowship

Join us as we come together to celebrate our Lord Jesus Christ through group worship, learning foundational theology through Bible study, studying Christian apologetics (defense of the faith) through exploring/comparing/constrasting other religions/worldviews. Outreaches are held after every fellowship!

Thursday's @ 4:00PM -6:00pm 
Location: Student Lounge 
Contact: Nick @ bxnick22@yahoo.com
Note: If student lounge is closed off, fellowship will be held in the Cafeteria in the M Building