CCN Fall 2010
Are you ready to make the Change?
CCN Fellowship Update: it's official!! Thursday's are now the official day of CCN fellowships
"An athete in not crowned unless
he competes according to the rules"
2 Timothy 2:5
At last weeks fellowship, the Lord blessed us with another laborer. Brother Jamel came out with his tool box all filled with tracts, ready seek and saved that which is lost!
We looked at the difference between an active soldier of Christ and an inactive soldier for Christ? It was a very edifying and self-examining time before the word of God.
After our lesson, we came before to Lord and cried out to him, for souls to be saved, laborers to be raised up and favor with the authorites on campus, for the reason that we would by Gods grace engage in Open Air Preaching. The Lord heard our cry!!!! As we were passing out tracts, 2 believers came us to us seeking Christian fellowship. Both were new to LCC and were seeking a place in which they could be encourage and edified by other believers.
We continue to pray for these believers whom the Lord put in our path, and pray that the Lord would enable them to come out and join us in fellowship, and reaching the lost on the campus.
Morever, the Lord blessed us with two encounters. The first ws a man, who asked us if Jesus was God? which open the door for brother Jamel to witness to him. The man was very thankful that we took the time to speak with him.
We ended our outreach 2 hours later then usually. We had such a blessed time preaching the gospel we would've stayed even later!! Praise the Lord that he used what is follish and weak to proclam His gospel!
Join us this Thursday ! From 4-6pm at the student Lounge, located in the E building, across from the pool , as we contnue our study in 2 Timothy 2! BRING A FRIEND!
What kind of worker for Lord are you?