This past Tuesday (02/26/08), we had an awesome meeting in LaGuardia. For those of you who don't know, we have our meetings @ 9:30 in the morning. Its funny because you see all these sleepy students looking as if they just woke up. Nevertheless, there is no better way to start your day than spending some time in God's Word, fellow shipping with your brothers in Christ, and sharing the Gospel. Strangely enough, people seem to be very sharp and alert when you speak to them in the morning...well, at least those that are not sleeping on the benches or drooling on top of the books they were supposed to be reading. Actually, on one of the first times we met, the Lord permitted Jenny and I to speak to some Sikh students in a lounge. One of their friends was knocked out cold (sleeping) next to them. We introduced ourselves, gave them some gospel tracts to break the ice and started to give them the "good test". The conversation got so interesting that their friend woke up saying: "Yo, this is mad interesting!!!" and sat up and joined the conversation. Praise the Lord that He makes even the warm, cozy, slumber of the early morning go away when His Truth is being shared! That day, those Sikh students heard the Gospel that can WAKE UP the spiritually dead!
Anyway, getting back to this past Tuesday. Contessa and Fatima joined me for an awesome time of sharing. The Lord permitted the meeting to be very fruitful in planning the Voice of the Martyrs Event, which should be coming up soon, as the Lord permits. With Contessa, we have been learning about Islam. The Lord has really placed a special burden in our sister's hearts for the Muslim people specifically. Also, Fatima is an ex-Muslim and it was such a blessing to meet her and share with her. A brother named Billy stopped by our table, and he said he would like to join us next time. Lets pray the Lord continues to raise up laborers for His field here in this school!

Coantessa and Fatima

Fatima, Billy, and Hector
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