Wednesday, November 18, 2009

CCN Fall 2009
Are you ready to make the Change?

1 Corinthians 1:27
But God chose what is foolish in the world to shame the wise; God chose
what is weakin the world to shame the strong;

Welcome to another week of CCN Fellowship! Last Thrus, we continued our study on "Why is the Bible Unique", we learned that crtics of the Bible charge that there is no ancient writings of Jesus outside of the New Testament, but research shows-

Corroborating Writings - Writings confirming His birth, ministry, death, and resurrection include

1 Flavius Josephus (A.D. 93)

2. Babylonian Talmud (A.D. 70-200)

3. Pliny the Younger’s letter to the Emperor Trajan (approx. A.D 100)

4. The Annals of Tacitus (A.D. 115–117)

5. Mara Bar Serapion (sometime after A.D. 73)

6. Suetonius’ Life of Claudius and Life of Nero (A.D. 120).

As we finished our lesson, we headed out to preach the Good News of the Gospel. of Jesus Christ dying for the sins of the world, and enduring the wrath of God and rising from the dead. Jasmine brought a long a few optical illusion, and intelligent test, and we had a blast, people were very receptive and enjoyed the test. Furthermore, Jasmine and I had a wonderful conversation if 2 young students. Both were convicted, but one girl continue to try and justify, and prove that she had a pure heart. According the Rom 3:10, No one is righteous not one:/ We have all violated Gods Law, and deserve judgment. but what wonderful news to know that "While we were still sinners, Christ died for us" Rom 5:8

Repent and Trust in Christ today, He took all our sins, shame, guilt and was broken and crushed under the righteous anger of God. Forgiveness, redemption, new heart and relationship with God is what you will receive through faith in Christ!

Come Join US! November 18th as we finish our study on
Why is the Bible so unique?

All are welcomed!


Fellowships: Thursdays

Time: 4-6:30pm

Location: Student Lounge


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