CCN Spring 2010
Are you ready to make the Change?
I am astonished that you are so quickly deserting him who called you in the grace of Christ and are turning to a different gospel,not that there is another one, but there are some who trouble you and want to distort the gospel of Christ.But even if we or an angel from heaven should preach to you a gospel contrary to the one we preached to you, let him be accursed. As we have said before, so now I say again: If anyone is preaching to you a gospel contrary to the one you received, let him be accursed.
Galatians 1:6-9
Welcome back to another semester of CCN fellowship
on LaGuarida College!
Last Tuesday we returned to LCC, to once again bring the Good-news of the gospel to the students of LCC. During our fellowship we were encourage about what the teaches us about "Glorification". One day when Christ shall return, we shall receive glorified bodies, which is made in the image of Christ. There will be no more temptation, sickness, diseases, aging, nor death, for Death would have lost its Sting (see 1 Corinthians 15:53-57)
Afterwards, we went off into the college passing out tracts and to people about salvation through Jesus Christ. As we walked around the college, we venture into a area we have not yet been, and as we were walking a young man stepped out of an elevator. Now With God there is no such
thing as chance, but divine appointments. Jasmine approached the
young man, and gave him a tract, then began to ask him if he had time
to talk. She asked him for his name, and
thing as chance, but divine appointments. Jasmine approached the
young man, and gave him a tract, then began to ask him if he had time
to talk. She asked him for his name, and
out of all the names in the world, his name was "Israel". :0--> this was my exact reaction! We had a great time talking to Israel about the wonderful good-news of Jesus dying for our sins, and raising from the dead.
It was a blessing to see Israel so receptive to the gospel, and to see
visible contrition. we were able to give him a bible and booklet
"For your Joy" by John Piper. We continue to pray that Israel and all
those whom the Lord has allowed us to speak to will come to the saving knowledge of Christ, and trust on Christ as Lord and Saviour.
It was a blessing to see Israel so receptive to the gospel, and to see
visible contrition. we were able to give him a bible and booklet
"For your Joy" by John Piper. We continue to pray that Israel and all
those whom the Lord has allowed us to speak to will come to the saving knowledge of Christ, and trust on Christ as Lord and Saviour.
You know them very well. You see them on the streets early in the
morning with magazines in their hands, They knock on you door form
time to time. And they called themselves "Jehovah Witness". Join us
this Tuesday as e learn all about Jehovah Witness, what they believe,
and how they differ from true Christianity.
morning with magazines in their hands, They knock on you door form
time to time. And they called themselves "Jehovah Witness". Join us
this Tuesday as e learn all about Jehovah Witness, what they believe,
and how they differ from true Christianity.
CCN Fellowships Tuesday March 9th @ 4pm in the Student Lounge. as we learn about
"Jehovah Witness"
Fellowships: Tuesday's
Time: 4-6:30pm
Location: Student Lounge
Contact: bxnick22@yahoo.com
Note: If student lounge is closed off, fellowship will be held in the Atrium
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