Sunday, November 7, 2010

CCN Women's Overnight Retreat in New Jersey!

"Keep thy heart with all diligence; for out of it are the issues of life." Proverbs 4:23

Come withdraw from the world for a special time of communing with God and personal reflection. Come with an expectation for God to minister to your heart through the Word of God, worship, and prayer. 
It's a time of grace.
Revealing. Repenting. Repairing. Restoring. 

Community Baptist Church
211 DeMott Lane
Somerset, NJ 08873

*Note: Event open to CCN members and college students. 
You must confirm your attendance.
Attendees must bring overnight personal items, including sleeping bags/pillows, etc.
Dinner and breakfast is provided. 
Be aware that attendees will be staying up late and waking up early.

To confirm your attendance or for additional information, 
please email or call 973-928-7707. 

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