1. Come out on Wednesday and meet the President of CHANGE Collegian Network, Tiffany, who is coming out to support the Christian Club and to meet the CCN Members at LaGuardia!

3. Sad news: CCN meeting for this Friday is cancelled due to Thanksgiving. Don't stop sharing the gospel! Take this opportunity to share with your family the wonders of the gospel message. It is why we are most thankful!
Brothers remember that for some odd reason people seem to be more open to the things of God in the holidays! Here are some great ides you can use to reach people with the Gospel:
1. Give out Lollipops with a Gospel tracts attached!
2. Invite people to holidays events in your church!
3. Make a great thanksgiving dinner, invite your friends and share the gospel with them!
4. If you are invited to a thanksgiving dinner, tell everyone how thankful you are for the gospel! If they don't know what it is... you get to tell them.
Come on! Let's remember to preach the gospel in season and out of season. The holidays is a great season for everyone else but remember that a Christian never stops working!!!!