Last week was full of sursprises! first of all it was such an awesome surprise to see how the Holy Spirit lead a new memeber to our club called Nathan, he grow up in a afamily with no religion background therefore he considers himself an atheist but he was willing to learn more about God and wanting to have a relationship with Him (praise the Lord!) the onther surprise was for our club members: we took them to the frontlines! well, in this case the 7 train! we bombed the train with the gospel for the first time, yup, noting better than to gather around hear a little one on one on mp3 and then put it into practice... and that's exactly what our sister jennifer did, she boldly preached the gospel right there on the 7 train "u go girl!" We hope and pray to God to see all of our members to preach the biblical gospel boldly and affectevely and of course they always know that we'll always be right behind them we love them and appreciate them very very much!... Praise the Lord for your lives!
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