That's right! Last week's meeting was so profound as we looked into scripture and learned about the sinfulness of man! It was so good that we didn't want to end it! We thank God for his WORD!
Get ready for tomorrow people! Sebastian and I are going to double team to give you the best of the best!
I will continue to go with you through the Bible, simply teaching straight out of the book!
Sebastian is also bringing a special teaching about the message of the modern church... does it include your church? Check it out!
Please be there on time! It is extremely important that you arrive at 2pm (exemptions apply if you are working). We are going to start right on time and we don't want you to miss it!
Tomorrow, we are having CCN Saturday at Iglesia Nueva Vida! It is only 15 minutes from LaGuardia. This is a special day that you dedicate to the LORD! You will be receiving a word, prayer, worship and of course, we will out and preach the gospel.
I thank those who made the commitment of coming out and I pray that I will see you there at 10:30 AM.
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