Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Laboring in the Field

This Tuesday November 4, 2008... ELECTION DAY... The Lord permitted Pilar and I to meet up for our CCN Outreach. It was a blessing. Here are some videos and pics for you.

Monday, October 27, 2008

BASICS Prayer Meeting @LaGuardia 10/21/08
"And He was saying to them, "The harvest is plentiful, but the laborers are few; therefore beseech the Lord of the harvest to send out laborers into His harvest."

“Prayer is never an acceptable substitute for obedience.  The sovereign Lord accepts no offering from His creatures that is not accompanied by obedience.  To pray for revival while ignoring or actually flouting the plain precept laid down in the Scriptures is to waste a lot of words and get nothing for our trouble.”
Of God and Men, 52. A.W. Tozer
“When I am praying the most eloquently, I am getting the least accomplished in my prayer life.  But when I stop getting eloquent and give God less theology and shut up and just gaze upward and wait for God to speak to my heart He speaks with such power that I have to grab a pencil and a notebook and take notes on what God is saying to my heart.”
Success and the Christian, 46-47 A.W. Tozer

Friday, October 17, 2008

Live from LaGuardia! Preaching to the "Smoking Section!"

Check these videos out: (don't worry... they're nice and short!)

Jonathan was preaching here to the "smoking section"!

In this one, you gotta listen to the end... I loved the way the Lord used my brother when he said that Jesus Christ gave his life for homosexuals!! Amen!!! God's love is amazing for sinners, not only homosexuals, but for all!"

Handing out tracts!

Note: Keep praying and preaching the Gospel. God really is at work. Short testimony: After we finished preaching to this crowd a young man came over and started having a conversation with us. God was really convicting him of his sin. You can actually almost touch the conviction on people. Sometimes they can shake YOU off easily, but they can't shake off the HOLY GHOST!

This is Pilar and I. Pilar is the student leader of CCN at LaGuardia. She is 
such a blessing and a lot of help. Her sister, Natalie, and Pilar have a real love for Jesus. Praise the Lord for them!

Wednesday, October 15, 2008




Check out what Scriptures says:

Colossians 4:2-6: "2Devote yourselves to prayer, being watchful and thankful. 3And pray for us, too, that God may open a door for our message, so that we may proclaim the mystery of Christ, for which I am in chains. 4Pray that I may proclaim it clearly, as I should. 5Be wise in the way you act toward outsiders; make the most of every opportunity. 6Let your conversation be always full of grace, seasoned with salt, so that you may know how to answer everyone."

If you want to share the Gospel, prayer needs to set the stage (v. 2), so that doors of opportunity would open (V. 3) and that the message that is given be given with clarity(v. 4), wisdom, zeal (v. 5), and even apologetics (v. 6b).


8:30-9:15 AM @ ATRIUM

Monday, September 29, 2008

Update on LaGuardia Coomunity College

Hey Everyone...whats's up? 

Well, Heaven! And all the host thereof... and the KING soon coming!!!! That's what's up!!!!  Just trying to keep my eyes on the PRIZE... if you know what I mean!

Well, guys this is an update on the things that are happening in our neck of the woods, better known as LaGuardia Community College. Since last semester we have been laboring on trying to get CCN official on campus... and it has been an up hill battle. So this is a praise report and prayer request section... We had to get a whole bunch of paper work filled out and sinatures from students, etc, etc... which was pretty easy to get done (praise the Lord!), then we had to look for a mentor for the club (a mentor has to be a person on staff in the colllege that would oversee the club's activities) and boy was that hard. Our dear sis Contessa battled along side us to try to get someone who would back up the club. We called, emailed, and basically harrassed a whole bunch of people to see if we can get someone and nothing... that is until the Lord stepped in and touched a ... get this... an ordained elder, a christian lady who is an elder in her church to help us out. Her name is Frances Tompkins, please keep her, her family and home church in prayer. She told me that after praying about this the Lord made her feel this was something she had to do....praise the Lord!!! Ok, so now we are supposed to have a meeting with at least 13 students and a representative of student life and have our elections to make the club official. Now there the challenge... getting 13 people together...sounds easy...oh but not in LaGuardia...being a commuter college an has proven to be very challenging...please pray for that meeting. 

In the mean time thugh as the new semester started the Lord placed it in our hearts to dive right into things. Last week we had an awesome time. Pilar and I went out and opened air preached in this lounge area. The place is perfect for this. All the smokers gather in this area that is in the open to puff on those cancer sticks. (I don't get it, people go out to get fresh air and to smoke a cigarette...duhh?!... I know they go out cause they cant smoke inside but sometimes it makes you think). Anyways, so we started to handout some money to money-hungry college students as they answered some trivia questions right. Then the big one, the "good person test" question came up and we were off. The Lord permitted us to preach to all the smokers there FOR A WHOLE HOUR!!! Praise the Lord!!!! We got the usual objector and the usual intolerant of free speech kinda guys but they heard the Gospel! Sometimes I think about those people that were listening in the peripheral areas. Those that seem not to have a reaction, those quiet listeners... I wonder what God does with His Word when they go home and think about the things preached? I wonder what kind of effect those it have on a Christian to see a young lady and a young man (eheem, yes I'm still young... next year I will be 30...thats when you stop counting...:)) standing up and preaching the Word of God? Does God move them to move out of their comforts zone too? I just wonder! 

Till next time...soon

Hector Sanchez
CCN LaGuardia 

Wednesday, March 26, 2008

A big "God bless" to all of you dear saints!

Here is Contessa, with some words on LGCC and the work of the Lord!

Here is a view of the Atrium. Please pray for this school.

Thursday, February 28, 2008

CCN in LaGuardia Community College

This past Tuesday (02/26/08), we had an awesome meeting in LaGuardia. For those of you who don't know, we have our meetings @ 9:30 in the morning. Its funny because you see all these sleepy students looking as if they just woke up. Nevertheless, there is no better way to start your day than spending some time in God's Word, fellow shipping with your brothers in Christ, and sharing the Gospel. Strangely enough, people seem to be very sharp and alert when you speak to them in the morning...well, at least those that are not sleeping on the benches or drooling on top of the books they were supposed to be reading. Actually, on one of the first times we met, the Lord permitted Jenny and I to speak to some Sikh students in a lounge. One of their friends was knocked out cold (sleeping) next to them. We introduced ourselves, gave them some gospel tracts to break the ice and started to give them the "good test". The conversation got so interesting that their friend woke up saying: "Yo, this is mad interesting!!!" and sat up and joined the conversation. Praise the Lord that He makes even the warm, cozy, slumber of the early morning go away when His Truth is being shared! That day, those Sikh students heard the Gospel that can WAKE UP the spiritually dead!
Anyway, getting back to this past Tuesday. Contessa and Fatima joined me for an awesome time of sharing. The Lord permitted the meeting to be very fruitful in planning the Voice of the Martyrs Event, which should be coming up soon, as the Lord permits. With Contessa, we have been learning about Islam. The Lord has really placed a special burden in our sister's hearts for the Muslim people specifically. Also, Fatima is an ex-Muslim and it was such a blessing to meet her and share with her. A brother named Billy stopped by our table, and he said he would like to join us next time. Lets pray the Lord continues to raise up laborers for His field here in this school!Photobucket
Coantessa and Fatima
Fatima, Billy, and Hector


Thursday, February 21, 2008

Here we go!!!! Another semester in LaGuardia Community College....May the Lamb that was slain recieve the reward of His suffering in this school!!!

Friday, January 18, 2008

Welcome Back to CCN @ LaGuardia!

CCN LaGuardia is BACK!

It's another semester @ LCC for the The Word of God to be taught and preached...

NEW TIME & DATE! Tuesdays @ 9AM - Start Your Day Off Right With CCN!

Kick-Off Fellowship on Tuesday, January 22nd!

We pray that you enjoyed your Christmas break. But, now it's time for you to come back out and enjoy:

  • Learning The Word of God
  • Learning how to spread the Gospel to the lost
  • Learning how to defend the faith (i.e. witnessing to Muslims, atheists, agnostics, Catholics, etc.)
  • and going out and doing it!

We also look forward to enjoying some great Christian fellowship with you!

And now, team, we have some extra exciting NEWS for you!

This semester, CCN has a new Campus Leader!

Who is it? None other than Hector Sanchez, an experienced open-air preacher and soul winner!

Come join Hector and the team for CHANGE Collegian Network!

Kick-Off Date: Tuesday, January 22nd @ 9AM - Start Your Day Off Right With CCN!

Location: M Buidling Cafeteria [Red Room]

For more info, contact Hector:

DON'T MISS OUT! See you there!